The following courses are certified by Big Red Cloud

  • Introduction to Big Red Book Payroll
  • Advanced Big Red Book Payroll
  • Introduction to Big Red Cloud Accounts
  • Intermediate Big Red Cloud Accounts
  • Advanced Big Red Cloud Accounts
  • Planning & Budgeting in Accounts
  • Introduction to eCommerce
  • Automation and AI in Accounts


Introduction to Big Red Book Payroll

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • The Payroll Environment
  • Accessing MyAccount and ROS
  • Tax Rates, Bands and Credits
  • Calculating Gross Pay
  • Cumulative Tax
  • Universal Social Charge
  • PRSI

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on the payroll software in the areas of:

  • Setting up a Company
  • Setting up Payments and Deductions
  • Setting up Employees and retrieving RPNs
  • Processing Gross Pay
  • Producing Payslips
  • Producing Management Reports
  • Revenue Submission Process

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Advanced Big Red Book Payroll

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • Minimum Wage & Holiday Rights
  • Pension Relief
  • Taxation of Couples
  • Benefit in Kind (BIK) Rules
  • Civil Service Rates of Subsistence
  • Employee rights on termination

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on the payroll software in the areas of:

  • Company, Employee, Pay & Deduction set up
  • Processing Holidays and Bank Holidays
  • Calculating and processing Pension Relief entitlements
  • Processing a Mid-Year change in employee circumstances
  • Processing Benefit in Kind
  • Processing Mileage, subsistence and other expenses
  • All period end processes and reporting

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Introduction to Big Red Cloud Accounts

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • Business Structures
  • Assets, Liabilities, Incomes and Expenses
  • Using ‘PEARLS’
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Capital and Drawings
  • Credit Control and Discounts
  • Double Entry Bookkeeping
  • Business Documentation

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on the payroll software in the areas of:

  • Setting up a new Sole Trader Business
  • Setting up Customers and Suppliers
  • Setting up Bank Accounts
  • Creating and Amending Nominal Accounts
  • Recording Invoices and Credit Notes
  • Recording Payments and Receipts
  • Bank Reconciliations
  • Producing a Trial Balance

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Intermediate Big Red Cloud Accounts

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • VAT Rules & Invoicing Requirements
  • Understanding Financial Statements
  • Dealing with Stock transactions
  • Putting a value on Closing Stock
  • Accounting Journals
  • Introduction to Business legislation
  • Security and Accounting Records

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on the payroll software in the areas of:

  • Setting up a Company from Prior Accounting Records
  • Setting up Customers and Suppliers with Opening Balances
  • Setting up Products
  • Recording Invoices and Credit Notes including VAT
  • Customer Invoices and Statements
  • VAT returns
  • Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Reports

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Advanced Big Red Cloud Accounts

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • RCT Rules
  • Interaction between RCT and VAT
  • Importing and Exporting goods from inside and outside the EU
  • Depreciation
  • Accruals and Prepayments
  • Innovation in Accounting Software

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on the payroll software in the areas of:

  • Setting up a Company from Prior Accounting Records
  • Setting up Customers and Suppliers with Opening Balances
  • Setting up Products
  • Recording Invoices and Credit Notes including Global VAT
  • Customer Invoices and Statements
  • VAT & RCT returns
  • Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Reports
  • Producing a Trial Balance

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Planning & Budgeting in Accounts

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • Financial Statements and what they mean for business.
  • The Working Cash Cycle
  • Managing Creditors and Debtors
  • Credit Control Techniques
  • Managing Inventory
  • Dealing with Cash Surplus and Deficit

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills In the areas of:

  • Creating a Budgeted Profit and Loss
  • Gathering Information for a Cash Budget
  • Creating and Completing a Cash Budget

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred

Introduction to eCommerce

This course is assessed by:

  • 40% – Theory examination
  • 60% – A practical case study.

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • Preparing to create an online shop.
  • Marketing an online shop.
  • Getting found on Google and Google ranking.
  • Sourcing the right content, images and descriptions.
  • Understanding customer expectations.

The purpose of the practical case study is to assess the learner’s skills on web design software in the areas of:

  • Setting up an online shop
  • Using Facebook, Instagram, Amazon etc.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for a new website.
  • Adding content to a website
  • Meeting customer expectations via a website

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred


Automation and AI in Accounts

This course is assessed by

  • 50% – Theory examination
  • 50% – A practical case study

The purpose of the theory examination is to assess the learner’s knowledge and application of:

  • The background and current use of Automation and AI in accounts.
  • Safeguarding against threats from Automation and AI in accounting records.
  • The future of Automation and AI in accounts.

The purpose of the practical case study is to demonstrate the learner’s skills in the areas of automation and AI by:

  • Using Purchases Invoice Importer on Accounting Software.
  • Using Bank Feeds in Accounting Software.
  • Setting recurring entries in Accounting Software.

Passing mark 75%
Below 75% will be referred