New Release Information

Check out our latest updates for Big Red Cloud

Release Date: 09/07/2024
Sales Enhancements
Automatically copy Your Ref and Our Ref when generating an Invoice from View Quote screen
Updated VAT Discrepancy wording in Setup > Options to include Sales
Bank Feed Enhancements
Select matching transactions by default in Bank Feed Rules
API Enhancements
New endpoint for Credit Notes with AUTO referencing
New endpoint for Purchase Entries with AUTO referencing

Release Date: 04/07/2024
Enhanced Bank Feed
Replaced popout Review and Import Transactions Screen with In-line Bank Feed screen
Replaced tabs for Cash Receipts/Bank Payments/Lodgements with Transaction Type Column and checkbox for Lodgements
Ability to open Bank Feed screen directly from Lookup and Payments Book
Removed Manage Bank Feed screen from day to day process
Moved Manage Connections/CSV Mappings to Setup Menu
Moved Import from Open Banking and Upload CSV buttons to Bank Feed screen
Date/Bank Account Parameters now displayed in Bank Feed screen
Ability to select Multiple Analysis Categories/Nominals per record
Ability to select Multiple VAT rates per Cash Receipt record
Enhanced performance/response of Bank Feed screen compared to Review and Import Transactions screen
Staggered release, allowing users to switch ON/OFF old/new bank feeds until 20/02/2025
– companies with existing Open Banking Connections or CSV mappings can choose when to switch it ON
– new companies and companies with no existing Open Banking Connections or CSV mappings will be switched ON automatically
– all companies will be switched ON on 20/02/2025

Release Date: 21/05/2024
Sales Transaction Enhancement
Retain manually assigned Sales Rep on transactions when a Customer Account is selected
Purchase Importer Enhancements
Include Filter settings in Saved View

Release Date: 14/05/2024
Form Design Enhancement
Include Your Ref and Our Ref fields on OS Statements
Sales Transaction Enhancements
Ability to email a Sales Invoice/Credit Note/Quote from the transaction entry screen
Purchase Importer Enhancement
Ability to split documents with Status = Potential Duplicate

Release Date: 09/05/2024
Customer Receipts
Ability to print/email a receipt to a customer, detailing which transactions have been paid by a Cash Receipt

Release Date: 07/05/2024
Increased Analysis Categories
Ability to create up to 60 analysis categories, per book, across all the books of entry

Release Date: 02/05/2024
Sales Reps on Customer Accounts
Ability to define a Sales Rep for each Customer Account
Auto-assign Sales Rep to transactions based on Customer Account setting
Updated API to include Sales Reps on Customer Accounts
Updated BRC Power Accounting Template to include Sales Reps on Customer Accounts
Updated Debtors Ledger Report to optionally include the Sales Rep for each Customer
Updated Debtors Listing Report to optionally include the Sales Rep for each Customer
BRC Power Accounting Excel Add-in Enhancements
Ability to get Nominal Chart of Accounts
Ability to get Nominal Ledger Transactions

Release Date: 09/04/2024
Xelda Integration
Ability to make payments to Suppliers using Xelda Payments

Release Date: 20/02/2024
API Enhancement
Availability of Nominal API endpoints:
GET /v1/nominalAccounts
Returns master data for a company’s Nominal Accounts
GET /v1/nominalAccounts/{id}
Returns master data for a single Nominal Account
GET /v1/nominalAccounts/ledger
Returns transaction data for a company’s Nominal accounts
GET /v1/nominalAccounts/ledger/{ids}
Returns transaction data for a selection (by id) of Nominal accounts
Note: this API does not support add/change/delete Nominal accounts/transactions

Release Date: 08/11/2023
General Enhancement
Support fadas in email addresses when sending all Forms

Release Date: 27/10/2023
Form Design Enhancement
Ability for users to include Invoice Your Ref and Our Ref on Statements when using the most recent Form Design Template

Release Date: 26/10/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancement
Move to asynchronous processing of documents
Ability to close Purchase Importer while documents are processing without losing changes to documents being processed

Release Date: 19/09/2023
Purchase Importer
Automatically update VAT Reg field when Supplier selected

Release Date: 06/09/2023
Performance Enhancements
Re-architect Report Viewer functionalities

Release Date: 22/08/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancements
Ability to split multi document files after uploading to the Purchase Importer Inbox, without having to process the documents first
General Enhancements
Changed format for messaging when restoring backups and Year End backups

Release Date: 03/08/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancments
Lock/Unlock columns in the Purchase Importer Inbox
Bank Feed Enhancements
Prevent selection of Control Accounts in Bank Feed Rules
Validate for Control accounts when Creating Transactions

Release Date: 02/08/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancments
Manual Entry of supplier code in the Purchase Importer Inbox
Messaging Enhancments
Updated message when entering Sales Book Transactions

Release Date: 28/06/2023
Saved View in Company Selection screen
Configured view will be saved automatically and applied when reopening the Company Selection screen
Users can revert to default view at any time
General Enhancements
Ability to select which items to include when copying a company using the Setup Only option

Release Date: 07/06/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancements
– Self assign email address for Purchase Importer
Reporting Enhancements
– Optionally include Purchase Detail Line on Remittance Advice

Release Date: 16/05/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancements
– Analysis across Multiple Analysis Categories and Nominals
– Split Invoices from batch multi-document file
– Improved Credit Note recognition
– Ability to delete Purchase Documents
– Recognition of Duplicate Purchase Documents
– Displays Purchase Transaction Reference with associated Purchase Document record
– Drilldown to Purchase Documents from Purchases Book
– Enhanced API to update Purchase Importer Settings for Suppliers
– Enhanced BRC Power Accounting Template to update Purchase Importer Settings for Suppliers

Release Date: 24/04/2023
Purchase Importer Enhancement
Upload documents via email

Release Date: 02/03/2023
Bank Feed Enhancement
Ability to open Bank Feed from the Payments Book

Release Date: 24/02/2023
Form Design Enhancement
Ability to add the comments field for individual transaction types to the statement for each of the following:
– Sales Invoice
– Cash Receipt
– Debtor Journal

Release Date: 21/02/2023
Generate Invoice from Quote
– Your Ref and Our Ref field values will copy from Quote to Invoice
Form Design
– Option to include Your Ref and Our Ref fields on Sales Invoice/Credit Note and Quotes
Email Sales Invoice/Credit Note/Quote
– Your Ref and Our Ref field values will be displayed in Email screen
Debtor Statements
– Ability to define the Minimum Balance used when running Debtor Statements

Release Date: 14/02/2023
Purchase Importer
Ability to create Purchase Transactions directly from Uploaded Purchase Documents
Auto-detect data in Purchase Document to automatically update the following for each transaction:
– Period/Date
– Supplier Name
– VAT Reg
– Invoice No.
– Total
– Net
– VAT Analysis
Auto-match Supplier based on VAT Reg or Supplier Name to automatically update the following for each transaction:
– A/C Code
– VAT Type
– Default Analysis Category
– Default Nominal
Store uploaded Purchase Documents within company
View Purchase Documents from Purchase Transactions
Download Purchase Documents
Supports pdf, png, jpg files

Release Date: 20/12/2022
Emailing Invoices,Statements,Quotes
– Option to include Message-ID in email header
Perfomance Upgrade
– Improved performance of Customer/Supplier Balance Queries
Export Reports to Excel
– Option in all Report Dialogs to Export Report
– Ability to export report content directly to Excel

Release Date: 03/08/2022
Purchases API Update
– Updated Purchases API (POST and PUT requests) with an optional flag to automatically accept discrepancies within the configured range in company options

Release Date: 07/07/2022
Purchase Book Reports for Postponed Accounting Transactions in Irish Companies
– Updated Purchases Book Analysis Summary & Details Reports for Postponed Accounting Purchases
– Updated Purchases Book VAT Summary & Details Reports for Postponed Accounting Purchases
Release Date: 14/06/2022
Updates to Global Templates for Form Designs
– fax field changed to email field
– ability to include bank details on forms
– auto-exclusion of Bank Details section where data is not populated in Bank Setup
Multiple UDFs in Form Designs
– Ability to place UDF fields individually within any area of the Form Template
Report Updates
– Option to display Account Code on Remittance Advice
– Option to display Zero Balances on Sales/Purchase Book Summary Reports

Release Date: 09/06/2022
OAuth2 for emailing
Ability to connect a company to a Microsoft or Google account using OAuth2 for emailing:
– Invoices/Credit Notes
– Statements
– Quotes
– Remittance Advice

Release Date: 01/06/2022
Return Specific Reporting for VOCR VAT3 Submissions
Ability to review Sales Summary/Details reports based on VAT3 VOCR submissions made, rather than by period only (Irish & UK Companies)
Ability to review Purchases Summary/Details reports based on VAT3 VOCR submissions made, rather than by period only (UK Companies)

Release Date: 26/04/2022
Multiple Email Addresses for Customers and Suppliers
Ability to create up to 5 email addresses for each Customer and Supplier record
Ability to define which form each address should be used for when emailing.
Updated API to cover changes for multiple email addresses
Updated BRC Power Accounting Template to cover changes for multiple email addresses

Release Date: 05/04/2022
Reverse Charge VAT UK
Updated Type to Template in UK Companies to facilitate UK RCV Sales
Updated RCV Settings for UK Companies
Updated VAT reports to account for VAT and Net on RCV Purchases

Release Date: 29/03/2022
Global Report Templates
Ability for users to select which default Templates to use for Form Design

Release Date: 11/01/2022
Increased VAT Rates
Ability to add/use up to 20 VAT Rates for each of Sales, PFRS, PNFRS

Release Date: 06/01/2022
Dormant Customers/Suppliers/Products
Update API and Power Accounting Template for Record Types:
– Ability to change Type for Customers, Suppliers and Products

Release Date: 12/11/2021
General Enhancement
Abbreviations available in Payee/Detail fields for Regular Payments

Release Date: 12/08/2021
Postponed Accounting in Purchases
Ability to set default value for Postponed Accounting flag for Suppliers
– VAT Type value will be updated for Purchase Transactions when Supplier is selected
Audit Trail will be updated with VAT Type values for Customers and Suppliers
Audit Trail will be updated with Postponed Accounting values for Suppliers
BRCPA Template updates include:
– Ability to update default value for Postponed Accounting flag for Suppliers using BRC PA Template
– Ability to Add/Change Postponed Accounting Purchases using BRC PA Template
API updates include:
– Postponed Accounting flag for Supplier VAT Types
– Postponed Accounting flag for Purchases Transactions

Release Date: 27/07/2021
Dormant Customers/Suppliers/Products
New ‘Dormant’ Customer/Supplier/Product Types in Lookup
Ability to set Customer/Supplier/Product record as ‘Dormant’, in effect deleting the Customer/Supplier/Product record

Release Date: 22/06/2021
Permissions Enhancement – Login Times
Ability to define Login Times for each user, for each company they are assigned to
Users will be prevented from accessing the company outside of the defined times

Release Date: 11/06/2021
Changes to Setup Menu
Easily access Setup for our linked applications through Setup > Linked Applications

Release Date: 03/06/2021
Postponed Accounting in Purchases
Ability to flag Foreign Non-EU Purchases as Postponed Accounting
VAT reports updated to include the Fields required for Postponed Accounting Reporting

Release Date: 04/05/2021
Help Enhancements
Access our ‘New Release Information’ from the ‘Help & Support’ menu

Release Date: 20/04/2021
Bank Feed Enhancements
Up to 5 connections now permitted per company, increased from 3
Enhanced Validation for Period Control
– closed periods will be flagged when user attempts to create transactions
Enhanced Validation for Analysis Categories
– Prompt to Setup Analysis Categories where no Analysis Categories exist for the selected bank account
Enhanced field availability/functionality for Bank Feed Transactions
– Update detail line 2 with Transaction Description (from the bank transaction) for Ledger transactions
– Ability to select a Reference for Bank Payments prior to transaction creation
– Update VAT Type according to Customer default for Ledger Cash Receipts (VOCR On)
– Ability to select Nominal for Non Ledger Cash Receipts and Non Ledger Bank Payments
Enhanced field availability/functionality for Bank Feed Rules
– Ability to select a Reference in Rules for Bank Payments
– Ability to select VAT Type and VAT Rate in Rules for Cash Receipts (VOCR On)
– Ability to select Nominal in Rules for Non Ledger Cash Receipts and Non Ledger Bank Payments

Release Date: 23/03/2021
Report Enhancements
Sales Rep Name and Sales Rep Code now available columns in Invoice Details Book Enquiry
Messaging updated to include the number of documents when emailing Invoices, Statements, Quotes & Remittance

Release Date: 14/12/2020
Big Red PI Enhancements
Ability to import Zero Invoices

Release Date: 10/12/2020
Big Red PI Enhancements
Ability to recognise Suppliers using additional identifiers including:
– VAT Number
– Name
– Address
– Email
– Phone
Ability to select and post batches of Purchase Invoices

Release Date: 25/11/2020
Year End Technical Enhancements
Unique Identifiers retained/unchanged after Year End routine

Release Date: 17/11/2020
Making Tax Digital (MTD) Enhancements
Ability to include last 3 months of previous financial year in an MTD return submission
Messaging updated to display the period of the return being submitted

Release Date: 10/11/2020
BRC Power Accounting Excel Add-in Enhancements
Ability to add/change Quotes
Ability to add/change Sales Reps
Ability to update Customer Type, Customer VAT Type and Supplier VAT Type
Ability to update Sales Reps on Invoices and Quotes

Release Date: 22/10/2020
General Enhancements
Ability to Change/Delete transactions from Customer/Supplier Ledgers
Ability to Change/Delete transactions from Bank Ledgers
Ability to Change/Delete transactions from Book Enquiry
Optionally display Invoice/Credit Note Comments in Sales Book and Sales Book Enquiry
Ability to re-order line items in Quotes/Invoices

Release Date: 06/10/2020
Open Banking Enhancements
Ability to manually re-authenticate an Open Banking Connection in Manage Connections
Prompt for re-authentication of Open Banking Connection when connection has expired
Prompt for re-authentication of Open Banking Connection when connection is approaching expiry
Display the number of Bank Accounts associated with an Open Banking Connection in Manage Connections
Bank Feeds Permissions updated to include access to Open Banking

Release Date: 29/09/2020
Enhanced Setup Migration
Improved Migration performance
Enhanced Migration Workflow
Ability to migrate set up data from excel

Release Date: 26/08/2020
General Enhancements
Ability to change product codes
Multiple Detail Lines available in Sales Entries
Bank Details now available on O/S only Statement layouts
Explanatory text on:
-‘Edit Product VAT Rates’ utility
-‘Edit Recurring Invoice VAT Rates’ utility
Customer friendly message when user attempts to log in with incorrect details
Enhanced messaging when no data found in MTD
Performance Settings now included as part of Setup Copy Company

Release Date: 21/08/2020
VAT Rate Utility
Ability to batch update VAT rates associated with products

Release Date: 18/08/2020
Bank Feeds Enhancements
Ability to Search Matching Rules
Matching Rules are now case insensitive
Cash Receipts Matching Rules now include option for lodgement
Ability to apply Matching Rules from Review and Import transaction screen

Release Date: 12/08/2020
Open Banking Bank Feeds
Ability to link your company directly with your bank accounts
Seamlessly import Cash Receipts, Lodgements and Bank Payments from your bank accounts

Release Date: 30/07/2020
Company Maintenance Permissions
Grant/Revoke user access to Backup Company
Grant/Revoke user access to Restore Company
Grant/Revoke user access to run Year End Routine
Grant/Revoke user access to Copy Company All Data
Grant/Revoke user access to Copy Company Setup Only
Grant/Revoke user access to Delete Backup
Grant/Revoke user access to Delete Year End Backup
Setup Copy Company Enhancement
Abbreviations now included in Setup Copy Company

Release Date: 28/07/2020
User Permissions Enhancements
Grant/Revoke user access to Generate Invoices from Recurring Invoices
Grant/Revoke user access to Print Quotes
Grant/Revoke user access to Print Quotes Book View
Grant/Revoke user access to Quote Details in Book Enquiry
Grant/Revoke user access to Print Recurring Invoice Book View
Grant/Revoke user access to Bank Feeds
Grant/Revoke user access to Copy Existing Entries for Sales, Purchases, Quotes

Release Date: 21/05/2020
Paging in Customer and Supplier Lookup
Option to use a paging display in Customer and Supplier Lookups
Optimal for users with a high volume of Customer and/or Supplier records

Release Date: 21/04/2020
Saved Lookup Views
Configured lookup views will be saved automatically and applied when reopening the lookup
Users can revert to default view at any time

Release Date: 24/03/2020
Saved Ledger Views
Configured ledger views will be saved automatically and applied when reopening the ledger
Users can revert to default view at any time

Release Date: 18/03/2020
General Enhancement
Option to use thousand separator for numeric fields

Release Date: 25/02/2020
Reporting Enhancement
New Book Enquiry Report for Quote Line Items

Release Date: 12/02/2020
Bank Feeds Enhancements
Improved validation to highlight the invalid records when creating transactions
Improved validation to ignore records, in CSV file, with a blank or invalid date
Matching Rules included in Year End, Backup, Copy Company functions
Additional date format options available when creating a CSV file mapping

Release Date: 04/02/2020
Bank Feeds Enhancements
New designated area for managing Bank Feeds
Ability to View an existing matching rule
Ability to Change an existing matching rule
Ability to Copy an existing matching rule
Ability to automatically tick transactions for creation, when they match a rule
Enhanced warnings when deleting items associated with matching rules

Release Date: 06/01/2020
Technical Enhancement
Upgraded Database resources to improve application storage and performance

Release Date: 18/12/19
Caching Enhancement
Upgraded Caching to improve application resilience and reliability

Release Date: 10/12/19
Allocations Enhancement
Utility to automatically allocate historic transactions for Customer and/or Suppliers

Release Date: 28/11/19
General Enhancements
Abilitiy to select/unselect all when emailing Customer Invoices and Statements
Ability to print Customer Name as per invoice on Sales Invoice

Release Date: 18/11/19
General Enhancements
Display highlighted transaction in Customer/Supplier Ledgers
Auto-highlight most recent transaction and display it in Nominal Ledgers

Release Date: 04/11/19
Mobile App Enhancements
Ability to search Sales Reps when managing Sales Reps
Ability  to search Products when managing Products

Release Date: 27/06/19
Making Tax Digital (MTD)
UK Tax initiative
Direct link to HMRC from BRC
Send Tax Information to HMRC using your digital records held in BRC

Release Date: 19/03/19
General Enhancements
Column width retained when saving Book Views
Selected Sales Entry type is retained within a session
Your Ref and Our Ref visible in Sales Book and Purchases Book
Tooltips for VAT Types on Sales, Purchase, Cash Receipt transaction entry screens
Sort order can be applied to all columns in Regular Payments
Cash Payments Listing report now displays the bank account for Lodgements
Select/Unselect all when emailing invoices and statements

Release Date: 24/01/19
Swagger for API 
API webpage displays a list of available API operations and, with integrated test client, allows developers/users to interact with the API
-allows auto-generation of API documentation on our API webpage
-allows direct interaction with our API (test client is integrated) on our API webpage
-allows developers to quickly send a request (in their browser) to test how the API responds before writing any code of their own

Release Date: 11/10/18
Bank Feeds Enhancements
UI enhancements for better onscreen viewing:
-Bank transactions panel locked in place
-row height reduced
-ability to resize columns
-ability to collapse Cash Receipts/Lodgements/Bank Payments panels
-ability to select/unselect all transactions in each panel

Release Date: 26/09/18
Bank Feeds
Create rules to define what target transactions should be created, based on a match for description/amount

Release Date: 24/09/18
Allocate to Opening Balances without VAT breakdown
Users can allocate to Opening Balances without a VAT Breakdown again
Drilldown on transactions from Allocations screen
Users can View transactions in the allocations screen

Release Date: Tuesday 21/08/18
Bank Feeds
Ability to import Cash Receipts from a CSV file when VOCR is switched on

Release Date: Tuesday 07/08/2018
Form Design Enhancements
Improved resizing of uploaded logos
Improved messaging for Upload/Download/Rollback Templates
Allocations in Book Enquiry
Ability to allocate transactions in Cash Receipts, Cash Payments and Bank Payments Book Enquiry Reports

Release Date: Monday 16/07/18
Bank Feeds
Ability to import Bank Payments from a CSV file

Release Date: Tuesday 10/07/18
Support Access
Administrators can view the companies for which they have granted Support Access
Administrators can manually revoke Support Access
Administrators will receive an email notification when Support Access is revoked

Release Date: Wednesday 04/07/18
Bank Feeds
Ability to import Cash Receipts from a CSV file

Release Date: Monday 25/06/18
Form Design
Ability to print Bank Details, Address, BIC, IBAN, Account Name on Invoices, Credit Notes, Statements and Quotes

Release Date: Thursday 20/06/18
Support Access
Administrators will receive an email notification when Support Access is granted

Release Date: Wednesday 13/06/18
Bank Feeds
Ability to import Bank Lodgements from a CSV file

Release Date: Wednesday 06/06/18
Support Access
Administrators can allow the support team access to their company for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.
Bank Address
Address can be recorded for each bank account

Release Date: Tuesday 15/05/2018
General Enhancements
Inactive VAT rates now displayed, when changing transactions with those VAT rates
Record the address for each bank account
Update product name and unit price when syncing Clover data

Release Date: Tuesday 24/04/2018
Receipts/Payments Manual Allocations Enhancements
Ability to allocate discounts (created with allocations OFF) when allocations are switched ON
View allocations from Sales/Purchases transactions
Apply VAT breakdown to Opening Balances before allocating payments to them
Allocations must remain ON once allocations records exist

Release Date: Thursday 01/03/2018
Saved Book Views
Configured book views will be saved automatically and applied when reopening the book
Users can revert to default at any time
Address fields on Recurring Invoices
Customer Delivery Address or Customer Address will be used when creating Recurring Invoice records
Customer/Supplier Balances in Lookup
Display Customer/Supplier balances and ageing in lookup lists, without drilling down to record

Release Date: Thursday 04/01/2018
Book Enhancements
Auto-highlight next available transaction after deletion
Default to display area of book containing highlighted transaction
Prompt to setup VAT Rates and Analysis Categories when opening books (if they are undefined)
Select All option added to column selector in column headings
Subscription Enhancements
Companies now displayed irrespective of subscription status
Actions restricted depending on subscription status
Messaging updated to advise of subscription status and actions required
General Enhancements
Delete Company/Backup – Messaging changed
Restore Company/Backup – Messaging changed
Update VAT Type in Cash Receipts based on default defined for Customer

Release Date: Monday 13/11/2017
Recurring Invoicing
Create batches of Sales Invoices on a regular basis

Release Date: Monday 02/10/2017
Remittance Advice
Print/Email Remittance Advice for Supplier Cash and Bank Payments

Release Date: Thursday 07/09/2017
Banking Enhancements
Record BIC/IBAN for Customers/Suppliers/Company Bank Accounts
Convert Sort Code/Account Number to BIC/IBAN for Customers/Suppliers/Company Bank Accounts
Migrate BIC/IBAN from BRB v4/5/8/excel template for Customers/Suppliers/Company Bank Accounts
Import BIC/IBAN using BRC PA Template for Customers/Suppliers/Company Bank Accounts
General Enhancement
Run Consolidated Nominal Ledger Listing report for several companies defined within a Company selection set

Release Date: Monday 21/08/2017
Subscription/Administration changes
One step process for adding Billing Information where no card details exist in Buy Now, Change Subscription, Add Companies
Added Tooltip to Buy Now, Change Subscription, Add Companies for Other EU VAT
Ability to assign users to a deleted company
General Enhancement
Ability to change financial year when running Year End routine
API for Cash Payments

Release Date: Tuesday 18/07/2017
Simplified Subscription page
‘Business Information’ button removed, functionality moved to the new Subscription page
‘Current Information’ Tab removed, functionality moved to the new Subscription page
‘Billing Information’ Tab removed, functionality moved to the new Subscription page
‘Subscription History’ Tab removed
‘Invoices’ Tab removed, functionality moved to the new Subscription page
‘Payments’ Tab removed, functionality moved to the new Subscription page
Payment card can be added/removed easily
New ‘Buy Now’ option for Trial Users
Separated ‘Change Subscription’ and ‘Add Companies’ functions
Option to ‘Manage Renewal’ to switch on/off auto-renewal
Option to print Subscription Invoices from the ‘View Invoices’ function
Data Migration
Backend Functionality upgraded
Now supported in multiple web browsers
General Enhancements
Options to select/unselect all columns in Book Enquiry Reports
Clearer date warnings on transactions where date and period do not match
Auto-highlight the last used company in Company Selection screen
Added Hints & Tips tooltip to setup screens

Release Date: Friday 09/06/2017
Changes to Company Selection Screen
Facility to Search in the Company Selection screen
Subscription details are easier to read
Account Number is now displayed within a company
Personal Info Menu
‘Change Password’ and ‘Change Email’ are now under one heading in the ‘Personal Info’ menu within a company
Changes to the Users section of Administration
Upgraded the grid to show users on the left hand side, and the companies they are assigned to on the right hand side
‘Users’ and ‘Company Access’ buttons removed, functionality moved to the new grid
‘Add’, ‘Delete’ users moved to the new grid
‘Activate’, ‘Deactivate’ users moved to the new grid
‘Permanently Delete’ users moved to the new grid
‘Assign Administrator’ moved to the new grid
‘Assign to Companies’ and ‘Remove Assignment’ moved to the new grid
Changes to the Companies section of Administration
Upgraded the grid to show companies on the left hand side, and the users assigned to them on the right hand side
‘Add’, ‘Delete’, ‘Restore’ buttons have been removed, functionality was previously moved to the Company Selection screen
‘Assign Users’ and ‘Remove Assignment’ moved to the new grid
‘Change Financial Year’ moved from old link to new button in the new grid
New Report Viewer
User Interface Upgraded
Backend functionality upgraded
New Print button on the report, produces an onscreen PDF for printing
General Enhancements
Added Hints & Tips tooltip to the ‘Add a Company’ screen
Option to associate a Sales Rep with a Sales Credit Note
Option to print Sales transactions at point of entry, without saving first – applicable to Sales Invoices, Credit Notes, Quotes

Release Date: Thursday 18/05/2017
New Login Page
Updated look and feel
New link for ‘Free Trial’
New links for ‘Help, Privacy and T&Cs’
New Message Board
Changes to Company Selection Screen
Minor User Interface changes
Automatically highlights the first ‘Business Name’ and first ‘Company Name’
Double-click on company to open company
New column to display the company type
‘Enable Year End Edit’ moved from old link to new button
‘Delete Company’ moved to new button
‘Show Deleted Backups’ link has been enhanced to also ‘Show Deleted Companies’
‘Recover Deleted Backups’ button has been enhanced to also ‘Recover Deleted Companies’
‘Migrate Data’ moved to new button
Personal Info Menu
Options to ‘Change Password’ and ‘Change Email Address’ have been combined to ‘Personal Info’
Removed ‘Manage Inbound Invitations’ (accessible for accountants only)
Changes to Administration Section
‘Migrate Data’ has been removed from the Companies page, and moved to the Company Selection screen
Moved ‘API Keys’ from Users section to new section
Combined ‘Manage Inbound Invitations’ and ‘Manage Outbound Invitations’ to a new ‘Accountant Invitations’ section