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Entering Transactions

2 min read

The general principles of data entry are the same for all transactions in the day books in our accounting software.

The title bar shows you exactly where you are in the Big Red Cloud® accounting software; the Name of the Company, then the Version Number of your copy of the software, then a hyphen and the identity of the book, e.g. Purchases Book that is on open display.

Browse Screen.

Transactions are presented in a listing or browse screen divided into months and the current month is always high-lighted if it is available.

The twelve months of the Financial Year are named and the three months of the next year are numbered as months 13, 14 and 15.

It is important to select the correct month for transactions.  If a date is entered that is not in the month selected a warning is given, this can be ignored but entering data for one month into the wrong month tab can cause confusion as most reports are by the month transactions are entered into rather than the transaction date.

Data Entry.


This always defaults to the current system date.  When transactions are entered consecutively the date last entered is retained.  When the date field is selected the date can be changed one day at a time by using the + and – keys.

Note: If your chosen transaction date does not correspond with the period you have selected to work in then you will be advised of it by a Date Warning Message.


Wherever a code is required pressing the down-arrow to the right of the field will bring up a list of the available items such as Customers, Suppliers, Products or Nominal Codes.


The <tab> key and the <enter> or <return> key move to the next field.

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