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Printing Statements

1 min read

Information from the Sales Ledger is used to produce Statements to be sent to Customers. Statements can be produced for one or more Customers and for a specified period.  See Appendix A for samples of the different layouts available.

To Produce Debtor Statements:

In the Reports menu select Sales Ledger and then Debtor Statements.

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Period From.

The current month will be displayed in the box entitled Period From.  Accept it If you want your Statements to show all outstanding debts from prior months as one ‘Balance brought forward’, followed only by the details of the current month’s entries and a closing balance.  If you want to include the details from prior months’ entries then you can change the Period From month by clicking-and-picking.

Period To.

The current month will also be displayed in the box entitled Period To.  Accept it, or change it so as to reflect which previous month should end the period for which you want to produce Statements.


The customers for whom Statements are to be generated must be selected before displaying the statements.

Click on the down-arrow in the Customers field to display the Customer look up and select the customers to include.

Minimum Balance.

The Minimum Balance defaults to 0.50.  A Statement will not be printed for Customers with a balance of this amount or less.  The Minimum Balance can be changed as desired.

Click ‘Preview’ to display the statements on-screen from where they can be printed or exported.

Click ‘Email’ to email statements.

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