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Changing Setup Information

< 1 min read

When you have setup the Big Red Cloud® accounting software for your company you are ready to enter data. Most of the information you have entered can be changed at any time by selecting the relevant section from the Setup menu.

However, there are a number of important exceptions to this:

  • The Start Month of your accounting year, the Year itself and the First Month of transaction entry should not be changed once any entry has been made into any of the books. The Start Month itself cannot be changed once it has been set up initially.
  • Analysis Categories cannot be deleted once they have been used in a transaction. However, the heading can be changed but you should do so with great care. Amounts entered/analysed into a column will not automatically be moved if the position of a column is changed. These same principles apply to the changing/deletion of User Defined Fields.
  • VAT Rates cannot be deleted once they have been used in transactions. New rates can be entered when required.

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